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Lyrical Abstract Painting
Lyrical Abstract Painting


Be inspired by calligraphic form, ink and watercolor to express yourself in a poetic, abstract way.

We will be painting in a fluid and gestural style creating layers, intrigue and depth using a variety of tools for experimentation with line and texture. Beginning with meditation and the ensō (the Zen practice of drawing circles), we will use the brush as an extension of our body to make paintings. Emphasis will be on the uncontrolled parts, where ink meets water and mysteries reside; and where to go from there.

Instruction will include Asian concepts of empty space, chi and wabi-sabi; the elements and principles of design; color theory and painting from poetry. A recurring theme will be the use of contrast to find the next step. By tapping into our intuition, we will create paintings where personal expression and unexpected wonders arise.

Fee: $1500 (excluding airfare, optional car rentals, food expense, optional extra accommodations beyond the week in Sorèze, France and art supplies)

Non-refundable deposit of $500 due now, $1,000 due April 1, 2020.

To reserve your spot with Sherrie Lovler email her at: [email protected] please include your address and phone number in the email. You will then be instructed how to pay your $500 deposit.

July 23-30, 2020
èze, France

Sponsored by the Sebastopol Center for the Arts, California and Carole Watanabe
For more information go to:


Sherrie Lovler learned calligraphy in high school and fell in love with the broad nib pen. She continued studying with many of the great masters, including Hermann Zapf and Dick Beasley. She has a BA in studio art and began teaching calligraphy at age 22. Her teaching includes accredited classes at Northern Arizona University, International Calligraphy Conferences, Ghost Ranch, La Romita School of Art in Italy, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, San Francisco Pen Show, Sebastopol Center for the Arts and calligraphy guilds around the country. Her work has been published in The Art & Craft of Hand Lettering, Letter Arts Review Annual Juried Issues, Bound & Lettered and many other books and journals. Her abstract paintings have been shown in solo exhibitions and many juried and group shows. Sherrie's newest book, On Softer Ground: Paintings, Poems and Calligraphy, won a gold award for Most Outstanding Book Design of the Year for 2016 from Independent Publishers IPPY Awards. Her work can be seen at www.artandpoetry.com.

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