Twelve Love Poems in Limited Edition Prints from the book Two As One: Poems from a New Love by Sherrie Lovler and Anthony Lawlor. Each print is original size: 8 x 8 inches, and is a masterful calligraphy painting by Sherrie Lovler of the words of the poems.
- 8 x 8" artwork
- 12 x 12" paper
The Long Road Here by Sherrie Lovler
When the road diverged in the wood and I took the one less traveled, Did I know then of the winding, windy trail the mountains to climb the crevasses to pass the alleyways, the demons the drifts?
Did I know that the heart aches that the path to growth is not easy that the path to joy can begin by going down hill? Did I know that the road is long the depths are deep, the waves are strong the mist is mighty?
And if I did would I have taken that path? And if I didn�t would joy have forever eluded me?